Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pastor, Church Official Shot Dead in Nigeria

The Rev. David Usman and his wife during his ordination in 2009.
Muslim extremists from the Boko Haram sect on Tuesday (June 7) shot and killed a Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN) pastor and his church secretary in Maiduguri, in northeastern Nigeria’s Borno state.

The Rev. David Usman, 45, and church secretary Hamman Andrew were the latest casualties in an upsurge of Islamic militancy that has engulfed northern Nigeria this year, resulting in the destruction of church buildings and the killing and maiming of Christians.

The Rev. Titus Dama Pona, pastor with the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) in Maiduguri, told Compass that Pastor Usman was shot and killed by the members of the Boko Haram near an area of Maiduguri called the Railway Quarters, where the slain pastor’s church is located.

Pona said Christians in Maiduguri have become full of dread over the violence of Boko Haram, which seeks to impose sharia (Islamic law) on northern Nigeria.

“Christians have become the targets of these Muslim militants – we no longer feel free moving around the city, and most churches no longer carry out worship service for fear of becoming targets of these unprovoked attacks,” Pona said.

Officials at COCIN’s national headquarters in Jos, Plateau state, confirmed the killing of Pas-tor Usman. The Rev. Logan Gongchi of a COCIN congregation in Kerang, Jos, told Compass that area Christians were shocked at the news.

Gongchi said he attended Gindiri Theological College with Pastor Usman beginning in August 2003, and that both of them were ordained into pastoral ministry on Nov. 27, 2009.

“We knew him to be very gentle, an introvert, who was always silent in the class and only spoke while answering questions from our teachers,” Gongchi said. “He had a simple lifestyle and was easygoing with other students. He was very accommodating and ready at all times to withstand life’s pressures – this is in addition to being very jovial.”

Gongchi described Usman as “a pastor to the core because of his humility. I remember he once told me that he was not used to working with peasant farmers’ working tools, like the hoe. But with time he adapted to the reality of working with these tools on the farm in the school.”

Pastor Usman was excellent at counseling Christians and others while they were at the COCIN theological college, Gongchi said, adding that the pastor greatly encouraged him when he was suffering a long illness from 2005 to 2007.

“His encouraging words kept my faith alive, and the Lord saw me overcoming my ill health,” he said. “So when I heard the news about his murder, I cried.”

MotivesThe late pastor had once complained about the activities of Boko Haram, saying that unless the Nigerian government faced up to the challenge of its attacks, the extremist group would consume the lives of innocent persons, according to Gongchi.

“Pastor Usman once commented on the activities of the Boko Haram, which he said has un-dermined the church not only in Maiduguri, but in Borno state,” Gongchi said. “At the time, he urged us to pray for them, as they did not know how the problem will end.”

Gongchi advised the Nigerian government to find a lasting solution to Boko Haram’s violence, which has also claimed the lives of moderate Muslim leaders and police.

The Railway Quarters area in Maiduguri housed the seat of Boko Haram until 2009, when Nigerian security agencies and the military demolished its headquarters and captured and killed the sect’s leader, Mohammed Yusuf, and some of his followers.

The killing of Pastor Usman marked the second attack on his church premises by the Muslim militants. The first attack came on July 29, 2009, when Boko Haram militants burned the church building and killed some members of his congregation.

On Monday (June 6), the militants had bombed the St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, along with other areas in Maiduguri, killing three people. In all, 14 people were killed in three explosions at the church and police stations, and authorities have arrested 14 people.

The Boko Haram name is interpreted figuratively as “against Western education,” but some say it can also refer to the forbidding of the Judeo-Christian faith. They say the word “Boko” is a corruption in Hausa language for the English word “Book,” referring to the Islamic scripture’s description of Jews and Christians as “people of the Book,” while “Haram” is a Hausa word derived from Arabic meaning, “forbidding.”

Boko Haram leaders have openly declared that they want to establish an Islamic theocratic state in Nigeria, and they reject democratic institutions, which they associate with Christianity. Their bombings and suspected involvement in April’s post-election violence in Nigeria were aimed at stifling democracy, which they see as a system of government built on the foundation of Christian scripture.

Christians as well as Muslims suffered many casualties after supporters of Muslim presidential candidate Muhammudu Buhari lost the April 16 federal election to Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian. Primarily Muslim rioters claimed vote fraud, although international observers praised the polls as the fairest since 1999.

Nigeria’s population of more than 158.2 million is almost evenly divided between Christians, who make up 51.3 percent of the population and live mainly in the south, and Muslims, who account for 45 percent of the population and live mainly in the north. The percentages may be less, however, as those practicing indigenous religions may be as high as 10 percent of the total population, according to Operation World.

The Gypsy Pilgrims

 Pope’s discourse to the Gypsy pilgrims
“You are in the Church not on the margins, but in certain aspects you are at the centre, you are in the heart of the Church said Pope Benedict XVI, meeting the 2000 odd gypsy pilgrims from all over Europe gathered Saturday in the Vatican Paul VI audience hall. He was quoting the words of his predecessor Pope Paul VI pronounced in 1965. Earlier Archbishop Antonio Maria VegliĆ², President of the Vatican Pontifical Council for the pastoral care of Migrants and itinerant peoples had welcomed the gypsy pilgrims and thanked all those Church groups that had made this event possible. . The Pope in his discourse recalled all the travails endured by the gypsies in particular under the Nazis. Present among the pilgrims was a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp. May you in future never more be subjected to such outrages, the Pope fervently wished. You seem to be without any fatherland, and thus precisely the entire European continent is your home. And the Pope invited them to write a new chapter of their own history and that of Europe. The gypsy family has to be integrated into the context of the Eureopean family, sharing equal rights and duties. The Pope held up for their imitation the faith and love for the Church of the gypsy Christian martyr, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth and 75th of the martyrdom, of Blessed Ceferino Gimenez, of Spanish origin, Bl. Gimenez lived from 1861 to 1936 and was beatified by Bl. Pope John Paul II in 1997. The Pope invited them to contribute their share to the evangelising work of the Church and he warned them against certain sects that would try to wean them away from the Church. Four gypsies addressed the Pope and gypsy performances enlivened the meeting

Pope receives Gypsies at Vatican
Pope Benedict XVI listened to Gypsies recount their way of life at a first-ever papal audience for them at the Vatican on Saturday, decried their persecution by the Nazis during World War II and called on Europe to help end centuries of rejection for the Roma people.
About 2,000 Catholic Gypsies gathered in the Vatican's auditorium to hear Benedict speak.
"Your history is complex, and, in some periods, painful," Benedict said. "You are a people who over the past centuries never held nationalistic ideologies, never aspired to possess a land or dominate other peoples. You have remained without a homeland and have ideally considered the entire (European) continent as your home."

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God

A great power from above is ready to descend upon us. This power is the power of God that is ready to transform our lives and the lives of others.
Like a hidden treasure, the power of God is an offering that most of us ignore.  It is because of our limited knowledge of God that we may spend our lives in misery, we may lack things, we may want to see people being healed but it never happens, we may need our own healing but we don’t seem to get any answers. In order to have that divine power acting on our behalf, we need to activate it otherwise it will be wasted.
We are pure spirits hidden by our intellects; we are immortal children of God hidden in our human nature. We are very powerful beings, whose power is annihilated by our lack of faith.
The power of God that He gives is not restricted to any human being. It does not depend on our age or education. God gives this power to everyone, conditions applied of course.
God has revealed His Word to us in the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has given us all this knowledge of God His Father so that through our faith in Him we can become God’s children.
As God’s children, the treasures of Heaven are open to us even while we are here on earth; they are like a reward to those who are willing to follow Jesus.
Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life.
As we become disciples of Jesus, we receive His instructions on how to do the Will of the Father and we are given the power to act as his instruments.
The writings we are about to read are a lived testimony attesting to the power of God, to the Holy spirit miracles being manifested through prayer. Miracles have proven the reality of the following lines, so for your sake, for the sake of others and for the Glory of God, please open your heart and share the power from above.
The knowledge of this book is really a treasure that has made spiritually rich all the saints, it is a beautiful guide that will inspire you to know, love and serve God as never before. The result will be the supernatural power of God being released in ways never imagined.
Words simply don’t describe the joy that is encountered living in communion with the Spirit of God. The gift is not like any earthly gift that perishes, the gift from above is God Himself.
These inspirations were given to Joseph of Jesus and Mary, who also has received Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father. These writings are done for you, they are waiting for you to read them, rejoice and discover the powerful gift that you have as a child of God.
The Holy Spirit miracles speak to our hearts through these writings. We experience great peace when we realize that He is the great power that sustains the universe, the power of God that is so close to us when we are close to him.
These unique experiences with the power of the Holy Spirit will become a treasure for anyone desiring to grow in the faith and to learn how to pray for the Holy Spirit miracles. The teachings shared here will mold the soul of anyone with a humble attitude and a desire to have an intimate relationship with God, they are a true spiritual guide that can be imitated to call upon ourselves the power of the Holy Spirit.
Power from above - Holy Spirit Miracles -  The power of GodThese writings about the power of the Holy Spirit are a beautiful gift to your spirituality, they will improve your religious motivation and your relationship with God.
These words inspired by the Holy Spirit will touch your heart and soul, they will awaken your spirit to learn to live in God's Presence, to trust in His word and in the power of our faith. They will help you to discover the hidden spiritual meaning conveyed in the Holy Scriptures.

Holy Spirit miracles - Power from above Many good reasons why you should read about the      "Power from above - Holy Spirit miracles":
Holy Spirit miracles - Power from above

You will learn that the power of God goes to waste, He wants to share it with us in the form of miracles but not many people know how to ask
 You will learn that miracles are as real as the need for them - Learn how to askDiscover how to live in the  presence of God

Learn the secrets of the saints as revealed to someone who has received miracles from the Holy Spirit

Enjoy beautiful inspired prayers that open your heart to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit 
Become more aware of your power as a child of God, know that your can become a powerful instrument of the Holy Spirit 
Grow spiritually through the teachings of wisdom revealed in these writings 
Learn from this complete treatise on the Holy Spirit 
Understand the plan of God for your life, learn to know Him, love Him and serve Him in accordance to His Will 
Have a more profound understanding and appreciation of the Holy Scriptures and  the  Sacraments of the Church Prepare yourself to do the will of God, learn to open the gates of the power from above, have faith that will make you pray with confidence for miracles 
Be better prepared to preach the Word of God to others, be a witness of Jesus, be a powerful instrument of the power of the Holy Spirit 
Learn to pray constantly even when you are working or doing something else 
Learn to have more concentration, learn to be still to enter into the presence of God, learn to pray to the Holy Spirit 
Discover how intimate the Holy Spirit is, how eagerly he is expecting you to open your heart to him 
Learn more about our Blessed Mother and her role as the spouse of the Holy Spirit 
Learn to listen to God and to know his will 
Unleash the potential of your faith and learn to please the Lord by becoming his instrument 
Discover that holiness is just around the corner, it is not just something for religious or especial souls. With the grace of God be holy in your own state of life and learn what is required to merit miraculous answers to your prayers 
Have Jesus as your best friend, receive the motherly protection of Our Lady and the guidance of the Holy Spirit 
These writings and testimonies about the power of the Holy Spirit are excellent teachings for everyone who wants to grow spiritually, they were given to Joseph of Jesus and Mary, but the Lord wants you to read them because they are for you too.

Religion and Racism

Racism is a dirty word today. If you call someone a racist, he will take it as an insult. But if someone is a religious fanatic, and you call him that, he will deny being a fanatic and proceed to try to defend himself by saying that he is not really a fanatic but a staunch Muslim or a Staunch Hindu or a staunch Christian. But the truth of the matter is that anyone who thinks that his religion is superior to another religion is guilty of prejudice just as a person who thinks that his race is superior.

In the U.S. and indeed in the West, many white people consider their race to be superior even though they may not say so in the public.  They justify this erroneous thinking by rationalizing that the countries that are the most powerful and the richest are those that have a white majority. But fortunately, the popular media in the West does not propagate or condone this sort of thinking, and if someone, who is in a position of authority, says that his race is superior, he will be reprimanded and scolded by his colleagues as well as by the media.

But the same sort of situation does not exist when dealing with religion. Just like a man does not become superior just because he was born in a certain race, a man does not become superior just because he was born in a certain religion. Most people belong to a certain religion because they were born in a family that belonged to that religion. So, why feel proud to belong to a religion that you did not accept after careful investigation and research?

In fact the truth of the matter is that all religions stand on pretty shaky foundation. They are all based on the concept of God whose existence has not been proven. In fact God is a product of human imagination. Had it not been so, there would not have been so many different kinds of Gods. We have Allah, the God of the Muslims. Then we have the Christian God whose son is believed to be Jesus Christ. Hindus have many Gods though all are considered manifestations of one true God known as the Ultimate Reality or Brahman. The Jains and the Buddhists do not even believe in a God and still their claim to be religious is pretty valid. The Jews believe in one God and they consider themselves as belonging to the chosen race.

Some religionists will claim that everything in this world has to have a creator and that this world of ours running so smoothly calls for the existence of a creator. This creator called God is assigned all the superlatives such as being omnipresent (present everywhere) omniscient (knowing everything) and so on. But if God created this universe, then he has done a very poor job. This earth of ours and man’s life is riddled with problems. Previously we had diseases such as cholera and small pox that killed millions. Now that man has found cures for these diseases we are ravaged by new ones like AIDS. Actually, it is man who has succeeded in unlocking the secrets of this universe and nature and has found cures for diseases and has invented machines to make life bearable and manageable.

Though man has created nuclear weapons and countries like USA and Russia have enough weapons to destroy this earth many times over, somehow we have learnt to manage these weapons and stop ourselves from destroying this Earth. If God existed, he would have stopped man from creating these weapons in the first place. But man is curious and aggressive by nature and the fact that he has created these weapons is because of this curiosity and the desire to master technologies and the desire of one nation to become more powerful than other nations. Sigmund Freud has studied this aggressive nature of man in depth.

Some people say that the fact that everything in this world has a purpose and that the fact that the planets and the stars revolve in perfect orbits points to the existence of a creator. But the truth lies elsewhere. When our earth needs rains we get it not only on populated areas but also in the seas and oceans that do not need them. If God was such a perfect designer he would have arranged things so that only areas that have vegetations or that really need rains get it.

Various prophets and saints who have founded religions or that have authored major scriptures have given their own theories in their books, and the faithful are required to believe in what is written in those scriptures, without question. Once you start questioning what is written in a holy book of your religion, you are no longer a faithful and are considered an outcast by those who believe. An apostate is one who has renounced his religion, and Islam and Judaism have the concept of death penalty for apostasy but only Islam enforces such a punishment.  In many Islamic countries, even today the punishment for apostasy is death, which is ridiculous.

Apostasy is often punished though such a punishment goes against the principle of free will and freedom of religion which includes the freedom to not believe in any religion or God.  Many religions and some theocratic states punish apostates. Apostates may be shunned by the members of their former religious group or subjected to formal or informal punishment. A Christian church may in certain circumstances excommunicate the apostate, while some Abrahamic scriptures like those of Judaism and Islam  demand the death penalty for apostates. The death penalty is still applied by some Muslim states like Iran and Saudi Arabia, but not in Christianity or Judaism.

To conclude, it is this author’s belief that those who consider their own religion to be superior to another religion, should be considered guilty of irrational thinking and society should treat such persons with the same ridicule as it treats racists.
Only the West can take the lead in creating an atmosphere all across the world where religious fanatics, extremists and fundamentalists are considered perverse, just as racists are treated. The reason for this is that the West has a long history of secularism where people of various religious beliefs are considered equal before the law. Western society also does not suppress religion like China does.
However the Western governments must treat religious extremists, fanatics and fundamentalists as enemies of society. The best way to defeat such enemies of society is to carry out public education by encouraging writers and public speakers to preach religious tolerance. Writers who speak the truth and explain clearly that God is merely a product of human imagination, and who encourage their readers to question the irrational and false statements written in the scriptures of various religions should be protected and rewarded. The battle against religious fanatics and fundamentalists must be fought in the battlefield of ideas, through essays, articles, books, videos, songs, lyrics, and movies. This is the best way to defeat these enemies of society.

Freedom from Religion

I was born to Muslim parents. A mother who had been very religious all her life, and a father who had become zealously religious (coming from a relatively liberal background) after his marriage to that woman.

As with every child born to Muslim parents, the adhan was recited into my ears and thus it was decided. My religion, my deen, was to be Islam, Islam was what I was supposed to be holding true till the day I die. Allah was the one whom I was supposed to be worshiping till my last breath.

Growing up, I was learning to read the Quran in Arabic, Allah’s language, I was learning to pray, fast and do everything Allah’s Prophet Muhammad taught the Muslim ummah to do. I loved the look on my mother’s face every time I recited a new surah for her, every time she was praised for bringing up a good Muslim girl. At the age of 12, I told my parents I wanted to observe hijab. They were so proud of me, everyone was. I was told Allah was pleased with me and that made me very happy at that time. To please my creator so he would save me from hellfire, the scariest thing I’d ever heard of, that was my goal.

Like any other child I was curious and I had many doubts and questions. My mother used to read to me stories of prophets: Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Yusuf, Musa, Isa and all the others. It was these stories that created first doubts in me back then. Why, for example, did Allah create Satan if He knew what he was going to do? Why did Allah have to test Ibrahim? Didn’t Allah see the future? Didn’t Allah himself determine the future? And how about us? Has Allah also determined which of us go to Heaven and which of us go to Hell? How was this life a test, if the result is what Allah wants it to be and is in fact predestined from the very start?

Every time I asked I got the same answer: Islam is blind faith, Islam demands blind faith Allah doesn’t want you to question (5:101). Besides, Allah knows best.

So the questions were left unanswered and I was forced to bury them, because Allah apparently didn’t want me to think about them. There was one question I didn’t ask, I somehow understood it was controversial and I kept it to myself. Though I couldn’t help wondering, what if we have the wrong God? What if Allah wasn’t God, what if it was Krishna or Jesus or some other God unheard of? What then?

Whenever I thought of this, I felt guilt, shame and disgust towards myself. I asked Allah to forgive me for having such thoughts and guide me, I tried doing every thing I could to please Allah, so that he’d be pleased and let me into Paradise. It became an obsession.

At 15 I had read the Quran several times in Arabic, but I felt the need to read it in a language I understood. I felt it imperative to understand what Allah was commanding mankind to do in His final book. So I took to reading the Quran in English.

At first I was fascinated, thrilled even by Allah’s words, but that died out soon enough. As I read on, I was surprised to find absurd, illogical stories, barbaric laws and more misogyny than I had ever come across. All those questions I had as a child and many more began to race through my head and I repeated to myself the same sentence my mother told me as a child: Allah knows best.

No I didn’t think a man should be permitted to hit his wife or even have more than one wife, to control them and ‘use’ them whenever and however he wanted to.

No I didn’t think a woman’s testimony was worth half of a man’s, or that men were better than women or that her period was dirty, an illness.

But it didn’t matter what I thought, this was what the Creator of the Universe had decided and this is how it was suppose to be. So once again I buried my doubts and continued reading.

Around this time I heard of EDMD – Everybody Draw Muhammad Day – on Facebook. I had never been more outraged. These people were mocking Prophet Muhammad, the noblest man to ever walk the surface of the Earth, the man Allah Himself chose as His Messenger, the best among the best of mankind. And these people, these ignorant people wanted to mock and disgrace this great man?
EDMD was something of a reality check for me. Up until now I assumed everyone in the world either belonged to one the Abrahamic religions or was a Hindu, those were the only religions I had seen. And as a good Muslim would, I hated them. I hated the Jews and Christians because they were enemies of Allah, of the Prophet and of the Ummah, constantly conspiring to destroy us. I hated the Hindus because they associated partners with Allah.

But on EDMD I found that not only people had myriads of very different religious ideas, but also that there were people who didn’t worship any god, or even said god didn’t exist at all. Atheists. I thought they were crazy, absurd for saying that the Universe wasn’t created. Where did it come from then? At that time, they were another group of people for me to hate. Another group of people who denied the true religion, Islam and had strange ideas I’d never heard of.

I was there, defending Islam, conveying its meaning to these delusional people, whose ideas came from Allah knows where. Here I was forced to confront the doubts and questions I pushed at the back of my closet, that I didn’t want to think about and so much more.

I heard of things about the Muslim Ummah I was unaware of. How Theo Van Gogh was brutally killed in the middle of the street by a Muslim for making a movie critical of Islam. How people were killed in Islamic countries for converting to other religions. How homosexuals were executed in public and so much more that Muslims never spoke of. All we cried about is how the West was destroying our countries and killing our people or how the Jews were torturing the Palestinians or how the Hindus discriminated against us in India but we never, ever spoke about how so many Muslims were being killed by Muslims themselves, how Muslims were killing non Muslims in so many places. All of that just didn’t matter. It was only important when we were victimized by someone else. That’s all we cared about.

I was questioned about Prophet Muhammad’s lifestyle. The man I held to be the perfect example to follow didn’t seem so perfect anymore. His marriage to 9 year old Aisha when he was 53 (it doesn’t matter if it was a custom then, Muhammad was supposed to the ultimate example for all times), his massacre of the Banu Qurayza tribe, his multiple wives and concubines and they way he “acquired” them. The robberies, rape and murders his men carried on by his command disgusted me. I was ashamed of looking up to this man but I was also afraid of admitting it. So I found myself trying to justify all of it and the more I tried, the more I realized I didn’t think it was right.

I decided to read the Quran again and not shut my thought process this time. When I did, I felt like the whole religion was falling apart. I found the story of the cow in Surah Baqra absolutely ridiculous, the story of Solomon and his talking ants silly to the maximum, the story of the elephants in Surah Feel absurd. None of it made sense. I was afraid to admit it to myself, but it was becoming undeniable. So I prayed to Allah to help me out of it. I thought He was testing me and I asked for help. But none came. Slowly I did admit that I didn’t agree with what the Quran had to say, I didn’t agree with Allah’s law and His Prophet’s teachings. I began viewing the Quran critically and now became bold enough to point out errors, in grammar; Allah is very confused when it comes to using pronouns.

I started to question the very core premises of Islam: for example, Allah’s hell clearly didn’t seem to be a form of justice, but a threatened eternal, unlimited, brutal punishment for a limited “crimes”
committed in a limited and short lifetime, the gravest of which was disbelief, the most heinous deed a person could do, in the eyes of Allah. Forget genocide, child rape, atrocious things like that – disbelief and/or shirk is what Allah cares about the most.

Allah’s dislike of, hatred even, for women, His own creation, and constant discrimination against them, was another thing that repulsed me. His constant calls for war against those who “deny” Him when He doesn’t bother to provide any meaningful proof of His existence … I could continue on and on and on.
I began studying the origins of Islam and it did seem very blatantly man made, created by Muhammad to control the Arabs and make them dance to his tunes.

Islam’s obsession with controlling every single thing, from how you position your feet while you pray, to how you clean yourself after defecating, to how men grow their beards, to how one should position himself while sleeping, to literally making regulations about passing gas, all this small-minded pettiness pointed towards an origin in a mind of an obsessive man, a petty control-freak, hardly a God who created the whole Universe. It seemed to me that such a majestic creator of something so vast would not be weirdly fixated on one tiny planet in one corner of a Galaxy and bothered to send “guidance” only to a single, geographically firmly constrained region of this tiny planet, the Middle Eastern deserts. An impotent God, because not only did He fail to protect the books He supposedly sent earlier but also the “final” book He swore to protect. It isn’t true that the Quran is in its original from, the way Muhammad apparently ‘revealed’ it, one needs to do very little research to realize that, but Muslims choose to ignore that and rant about how their perfect book is “unchanged” and “perfect”. As if it meant anything at all to begin with.

Islam isn’t divine, Allah isn’t a god and Muhammad was a liar, it took me a while to realize that but I did. It is not rocket science, all you need is a little rational thinking and honesty, it is difficult to let go of something you’ve been holding to be true for as long as you can remember but it doesn’t feel good to believe a lie and it can be a great relief to finally let go of ghastly and primitive desert superstitions.
Source : Posted by Editor of