Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vatican's top church official says Libyan people want end to bombings.

(June 22, 2011) The Apostolic Vicar of the Libyan capital Tripoli says the population wants an end to air raids. If NATO continues to drop bombs and cause casualties among civilians they will play into the hands of Gaddafi, who is returning to be a reference point for people, who right now feel the need for a leader.” Archbishop Giovanni Martinelli told AsiaNews. He said that "NATO despite admitting to killing civilians, continues bombing and the population is disgusted by this attitude, which solves nothing." The prelate said that on Monday (June 20) in the town of Sorman (70 km east of Tripoli) raids destroyed the home of Khouildi Hamidi, among the most faithful supporters of the regime and much loved by the people - according to local sources. The regime has claimed that the raid killed at least 19 civilians, including 8 children. So far NATO has admitted the bombing but denies any casualties. Archbishop Martinelli said that these facts distance any possibility of a diplomatic agreement before September, the deadline set by NATO for an end to military operations. The prelate said that "if the leaders of both parties do not resort to diplomatic means, the future of Libya will only grow even more uncertain." A source for AsiaNews, anonymous for security reasons, has warned of the risk of an escalation of violence between the various factions, which divide the people of Libya. "We must do everything to guide these people towards elections - said the source - otherwise there is the risk of an even bloodier war between tribes that could lead to genocide."